“All Disease Occurs Due to Imbalance in Digestion”

“All Disease Occurs Due to Imbalance in Digestion”

Charaka Samhita

According to Ayurveda, the science of life, the process of digesting or not digesting is at the root of all disease. It is important to develop a relationship with how we digest our food and thoughts. This allows us to understand the path to a healthy and happy life.

When we eat food that is not being digested properly the nutrients in the food are not able to be fully assimilated and absorbed. This will then lead to symptoms of indigestion, gas, bloating, malabsorption, and a buildup of ama. Ama is the toxic accumulation created by undigested or partially digested food. This is quite common among many individuals. Head any drug store and you will see the vast array of over the counter digestive medicines available. Unfortunately, these are just masking problems and not fixing the actual imbalances.

Not understanding the digestive process, how to eat, what to eat and lifestyle habits can create frustration and confusion for many people. Once the concepts are understood and new habits are created, we can enjoy the benefits of strong, balanced digestion to feel light and bright.

Improper food combining is typically at the top of the list as the major cause of ama being created. Ayurveda provides guidelines to strengthen the agni, your digestive fire, which will in turn decrease the amount of ama in the system. If poor food combinations are consumed over an extended period, the aforementioned pesky toxins rear their ugly heads. Eventually, this will lead to a dis-ease manifestation.

But fear not! Building a relationship with your gut and your digestion is easier than it seems. Begin by eating a seasonal diet: this means eat what is growing now and from the area where you live. “Eating Local” has benefits beyond supporting your community. Our food should be filled with prana, life-force. Food grown 3000 miles away will lack the vitality we need to stay vibrant. Chew your food! I know it sounds simple but if you pay attention you may notice that your food is not fully chewed before you swallow it.

Just as important as “seasonal-local-fresh”, we also need to combine the right foods for optimal digestion. Your meal maybe be full of prana but if it the wrong mix of items, it may be causing more harm than good. If you are interested in receiving a fun food combining chart shoot me an email. I have a great document I can send to you. 

If you are really interested in diving deeper into this conversation, please join me on Sunday August 18th from 1:00-3:00. We will explore the digestion through an Ayurvedic lens, lifestyle choices and proper food combinations. 


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