June is right around the corner and re-opening is on everyone's mind.
All the talk and hubbub these days about “getting back to life” has me thinking about our individual reopening. Do we really want to get back to life as we knew it or are there lessons learned from this hiatus that Mother Nature has provided to consider?
It is important, I feel, for us to deeply look at what we want to pick back up again versus what we can bless and leave behind. We have all had to make changes to be home and be still. How much of the rat race do we want to bring back into our lives? More importantly why do we so strongly desire the race? Maybe a feeling of lack regarding finances? Is it the need to stay busy so we do not have to be with ourselves? Perhaps if we are not productive our self-worth declines? These are things I am personally looking at while considering my entrance into the new reality.
It has been amazing to see the pictures of how nature has benefited from the break of our rule and abuse. Considering we too are nature, what are you willing to do to maintain some of the healing that has evolved from these challenging times?
One small step I have seen is in the home kitchen. Many clients, students, and friends had previously been used to eating most meals in restaurants. Now they have been taking time to plan and prepare their own food. They are learning to cook and enjoying the food they are making. Feeling empowered (and saving money) by taking a bigger role in their own self-care.
I encourage you to sit and take time to consciously choose what to incorporate back into your life that is really of value to your wellbeing. Notice what helps you feel more connected and what makes you feel distracted. We are getting the opportunity to redesign our lives. This is an extremely rewarding time if we are wise and aware of the lesson. Let us see if we can refrain from the ingrained tendency to jump right back into what may have been hindering both our growth and joy. We can make the choice to live more simply and enjoy the blessings we are given when we awaken each day. I would love to hear what changes you are integrating into your new beginning.
Health Indicator of the Month
Before Covid19 we had been exploring the Health Indicators of Ayurveda. These are 15 aspects of our health to understand our overall well-being. I took a break to focus on the current situation but am going to jump back in this month with Urine.
The color, consistency and clarity can give great insight to the current state of our health. Urine can clue us into healthy hydration (light straw colored) or dehydration (dark yellow to almost orange in color). If there is infection, electrolyte irregularities, or the beginning stages of diabetes our urine will be altered.
The urinary tract has an important job as it not only eliminates our waste, but it is also related to our blood volume and pressure. When the urinary tract is disturbed dangerous and painful symptoms may occur. Urinary tract infections can lead to kidney stones or inflammation of the prostate gland. As we age the kidneys may not work as effectively.
Reading the attributes of our “wastewater” can give us good information on the state of dosha imbalance. If Pitta is aggravated there may be a burning sensation. With Vata a imbalance the urine might be scanty. Excessive Kapha and the urine could look cloudy or have a sweet smell.
Fortunately, we have good support available. There are various beneficial herbal formulas to consider. Yoga asana is helpful (think root lock) as well as lifestyle adjustments. Easy things like making sure you are drinking enough purified water and not resisting the urge to urinate. Being mindful of excess sun exposure, too many spicy foods or excess heat. Drink coconut water, pineapple juice or coriander tea. If the system is boggy then try chewing on a cardamom pod or if dehydrated drink some water with lime juice, a pinch of Himalayan salt and a pinch of raw sugar (jaggery is even better if you have any). This is a time-tested electrolyte recipe that is easy to make and a healthy alternative to Gatorade.
Some signs and symptoms of imbalance would be an unpleasant smell due to infection or if urine stays in the bladder too long it can begin to ferment. If there is an infection the urine can feel hot, be cloudy or there could even be blood present. A large amount of bubbles after urinating indicates loss of protein in the urine.
An easy way to self-check for conditions related to dosha is to collect a small sample of fresh urine in a glass jar (midstream from the first urination of the day). Place a drop of sesame oil on the surface and observe for the following patterns. Vata conditions: Oil floats and the pattern resembles a snake. Pitta conditions: Bubbles appear, splits into small drops, makes the shape of a ring. Kapha conditions: Looks like a pearl and may sink. Paying attention to what the body is communicating gives us the opportunity to catch an imbalance before it turns into a disease. This is always the ultimate goal of Ayurveda.