Rasa - the feeling of sweet satisfaction

The Sanskrit word Rasa has many meanings all that support the totality of what Rasa is. Ranging from essence, juice, taste, sap, emotion, melody, interest and even to mercury in the medicine form. Rasa within us is the juicy part or the fluid parts of our bodies, including the plasma, lymph, and serum. This is called Rasa dhatu and its main function is to provide nutrition and immunity.
Dhatu is the word for tissue or is defined as “that which holds us together”. 

When we eat and digest food the first tissue to be formed is the Rasa dhatu.  It is essential for us to have good, strong digestion in order for healthy tissue to be formed. When well formed the effect on the mind and emotions will show as a general sense of satisfaction, nourishment and the mind will be happy. The opposite effect will happen when this tissue of the body is depleted. One will find their skin dull, dry and rough, constipation will become a problem and a weakened immune system could allow infection to invade the body.

The tissues of our bodies, there are seven of them according to Ayurveda, have a direct effect on our minds and emotions. Stress, busyness, anger, worry and intensity as well as love, compassion, and desire will all be directly affected by the state - either balance or imbalance of each tissue. 


Heart Opening Yoga


The Power of Ritual