Ojas: Your Life Sustaining Fluid

We all have the inherent desire for vitality, vigor and strong immunity. These traits come from having a good amount of Ojas in our system. This fluid is considered the purest substance in the universe.  Ojas is directly related to feeling positive, joyful, healthy, loving, having a good memory and longevity. 

Ojas is the end product of the food we digest and assimilate and its job is to nourish all of the tissues of our body. Good strong balanced digestion is necessary to create this life-sustaining substance.
Yes folks, it always comes back to digestion.

 We are taught in the Charaka Samhita, if we want to preserve ojas in the body we will take care under all circumstances to avoid disturbances of the mind.
This would mean stress. Stress is one of the main ways to deplete our “life sap”. 
Just think of your mind and body when you are stressed out. You feel constricted, dried out and brittle. Essentially, lacking your sweet juicy nature. 
Aside from stress, the other culprits are extreme exercise, traumatic experiences, grief and simply being on the go all of the time.
Stillness, meditation, spending time in nature and giving of yourself in selfless service are fantastic ways to build ojas.
Also, of course, a regular pranayama and meditation practice
and getting good quality sleep.
Taking time every day for dinacharya, or daily practices are vital to your vitality.
Look for the workshop on daily rituals coming after the first of the year below.

Lastly, love and devotion.
Oh, you all knew I was going to go back to devotion.
The grounding sweetness of devotion is an amazing way to calm the mind and build your ojas.I am wishing you all grounding and juiciness as we move into the Vata time of year.
I will catch up with you when I return rested, rejuvenated and with bountiful ojas.


Giving Thanks: The Healing Power of Gratitude


Happy September Friends