The Seasons They Are A Changin'
We have had a beautiful and long Spring here in Arizona. We were blessed with cool weather all the way through May. Now we are finally moving into Summer, which is the move from Kapha to Pitta season. In Ayurveda during the time when one season is evolving into the next, we put into place practices called Ritucharya. Ritu is “season” and each will have its own effect on one’s body, mind and emotions. Charya are practices or a regimen that is to be put into place.
In the Charaka Samhita, it is stated that “the strength and complexion of the person knowing the suitable diet and regimen for every season and practicing accordingly are enhanced.” This means if we pay attention to the changes in our external and internal environments, modify our dietary and daily practices (dinacharya) we will be less susceptible to creating an imbalance. We want to build strength and complexion. We know that the outer skin reflects our inner skin. If the inner skin is healthy and radiant the outer skin will be as well. Not being balanced during these transitions can lead us into dis-ease as we move across the seasons.
Look at the foods that are popping up at your farmers market and in your garden. This gives us clues as to what we should be eating right now, and it will vary around the country and the world. It is important to not get hung up on the lists of what we should eat at different times of years, but we should always follow your local natural surroundings.
Take time to notice subtle or maybe not so subtle changes that are happening in your mind, body and emotions. What do you notice? If you are feeling mental steam building up or feeling excess heat in your digestion, then we need to switch practices and food. Moving away from light and warming qualities in that may have been put in place during Kapha season towards cooling and heavy qualities to help ease excess pitta from beginning to rise. This may be a change to the oil you are using for your abhyanga (daily massage). You may also want to modify your pranayama and asana practices.
Enjoy and work with the changing of the seasons. The dog days of summer will be upon us soon.