Changing Season = New You

Spring Cleaning

Spring is here and things are blooming. Last week after a day of rain my sweet little pomegranate tree that had been bare burst into new life preparing to produce fresh new fruit and medicine that pomegranates have to offer. This little burst of new life that I am holding in my hands is from our new plum tree that was also a bare stick just last week.

Here in Phoenix, we have been vacillating between dry and cold Vata weather and some wet and cool Kapha weather making a nice warm bowl of kitchari taste delicious. I have been noticing my students and clients are starting to complain of seasonal allergies, sluggishness, feeling heavy and slow and finding it difficult to shed the few pounds gained from the holiday season where we have a tendency to overindulge. All of that points us in the direction of needing to change things up and in Ayurveda we follow natures lead to see what will bring us back into balance. 

I am noticing in the market fresh blueberries and dandelion greens which are all foods that are perfect for a solid Spring Cleanse.  Cleansing during this time of year helps us to unclog congested channels of both the mind and the body. We create space in our schedule to do some spring cleaning in our mind, body and physical spaces.

Taking time to get out and move, breathe deeply and break a sweat. Drink warm herbal tea's that have herbs and spices to stimulate digestion and increase metabolism. Taking a few days to do a mono-diet to help your system reset. When making kitchari, we use a combination us yellow split mung dal, which is an amazing little pulse, and basmati rice cooked with delicious cleansing spices.

The soup recipe included in this months newsletter is cleansing and healing as well. If you are interested in diving deeper into cleansing in the spring please join me on Saturday, March 10th from 11-3 to learn the principles of cleansing in the Spring.

We will also cook some kitchari together and then sit down to eat.
The investment in your health is $80 if paid before 3/8 and $90 after 3/8


Dearest friend


Pranayama & the power of yogic breathing