Yippee! Fall is finally here.
I hope that you all are enjoying the cooler weather, especially the clear and beautiful mornings. We had some brutal heat here in Arizona this summer. My heart goes out to all those affected by the fires that have destroyed so much in our state and others.
After the fall equinox the days quickly become noticeably shorter. Animals are beginning to prepare to migrate or in some places hibernate. The trees are changing colors and dropping leaves. In Ayurveda we always look to nature to inform us on how to behave. We are moving into Vata season. The qualities of Vata are, cold, dry, light, mobile and rough. Fall is an ideal time to go inwards. But first we need to prepare both our minds and bodies to take this journey.
According to Ayurveda, the transition of seasons at spring and fall is the ideal time for a cleanse. This is called Ritucharya or seasonal cleansing. We do this to prepare the body, mind, and emotions for a balanced healthy journey through the coming summer or winter months.
The autumn transition is used as a gentle detox to reset body and mind as preparation for the harsh winter. During this period, excessive dry air (vata) in the atmosphere increases the cold dry qualities inside our bodies and minds. When we cleanse in the fall the focus is rejuvenating the liver and intestines to create a strong and healthy microbiome. This allows us to feel grounded, balanced, and healthy as we move through Vata season and into the winter.
Seasonal cleansing is a vital part of an Ayurvedic lifestyle, and when done properly there is great potential for improved sleep, energy, immunity, vitality, vim, vigor and strength. The purpose of an Ayurvedic cleanse is to rest and purify the digestive system. Even if we eat “clean” and do a regular dinacharya (daily cleansing rituals) we still need to take time to give our digestion a break, enjoy an amazingly simple nourishing diet and a slower lifestyle. Now you may say, “Hey! I have been locked in my house for the last 7 months, how much slower can I be?” This is different. This is a very intentional space for reflection and not for Netflix.
Now is the time to put into motion edifying practices that perhaps have never been in place or have fallen away due to the stress and strangeness of our current times. Especially, due to the perceived chaos of 2020 we are all in need of cleansing and strengthen our bodies and microbiome, which has a direct effect on the state of our mind.
The reason that we cleanse in the Fall is that our bodies have stored up quite a bit of heat/fire known as pitta from the hot months of summer. We need to release this excess heat and balance our bodies so that they can be strong and resilient for the winter. To accomplish this reset it is best to consume a variety of cooked and roasted vegetables. Mother Nature is always giving us the appropriate foods to support the current season we are in. Vata pacifying vegetable such as winter squashes and root vegetables are in abundance. Grounding, warming and balancing grains, herbs, and spices all enhance the diet regiment. Minimize the consumption of raw fruit (especially tropical fruits), as these are cooling to the system.
I have a highly active online class schedule the next few weeks to fully support you during this transition. If you are ready to dive into a Fall Cleanse, reap all the benefits, and prepare for winter I hope you will join me on Saturday, October 10th from 11-3. We will go deep into all aspects of a proper and safe Ayurvedic Cleanse. This will be held both in person (limit 5) and unlimited on Zoom. Part of this class will be a cooking lesson making Kitchari. This very sattvic dish will be a common meal during your cleanse (and probably long after).
Patanjali teaches in the Yoga Sutras when have a negative thought we are to replace it with a positive thought. One of the most powerful energetic shifts that can take place is the recitation of Mantra. During a cleanse, many old thought patterns may emerge. It is helpful to have a mantra practice to shift the vibration of these often-self-limiting beliefs. Curious? I will be teaching a class on Healing Mantras Sunday, October 18th from 1-3. Click here to sign up.
Lastly, I will be teaching a fun Ayurvedic Thanksgiving Zoom cooking class in November that includes a stuffed baked pear recipe. It is delicious and you can sign up here {Metta yoga link to sign up for class}.
I hope to see you at any or all these upcoming offerings.